Monday, May 20, 2019

DAY 13

Today is Monday, it’s a normal school day. When I get home I feel a little hungry, and I open the fridge and see is there anything that I can eat, but I don’t want to cook them at that time because I have to eat dinner later. So I remember I bought the cup noodles from the supermarket on Saturday, and open the cabinet and take out the cup noodles. The flavor of cup noodles that I was going to eat today is Wei Zeng Tang. I think it’s just the Miso soup because I see the ingredients in there is tofu and kelp and corn…

I never eat the cup noodles that was with the miso soup because I don’t often have miso soup. I been to my uncle’s restaurant, they had miso soup in the menu, and I think the first time that I drink the miso soup is in my uncle’s restaurant. I also been to the kitchen of my uncle’s restaurant, I watched how they make miso soup, it’s very easy and yummy. They have some tofu, kelps and chopped green onions in the plastic pint, and the soup in a big pot. They told me the soup is seafood soup, and just put the seafood soup in the plastic pint that has the tofu, kelps and chopped green onions in there. Or they use a bowl that has the tofu, kelps and chopped green onions in there, and put the seafood soup in there. It taste not bad, but I think the miso soup is not use the real seafood, I think it’s flavored powder because I also see that in the YouTube video. I don’t think people use seafood to make miso soup. So I like the soup that was use the bone from animals or some seafood, but people have to use a lot of time to cook it, like 3-4 hours.

The way to cook the Chinese cup noodles is open all the flavor envelope and put them into the cup. Then put the boil water into the cup and use the plastic fork to cover the lid, the last thing is wait for five minutes. When Chinese people eating the cup noodles they will always add a package sausage into the cup noodles or eggs, I also watched some videos, they use “that just like when I eating a cup noodles, but there is no sausage with my cup noodles.” for example to say something. When I eating the miso soup cup noodles, I was thinking “ would I order a miso soup that was from my uncle’s restaurant, and use that miso soup to cook noodles.” Is it going to taste like the miso soup cup noodles? Maybe I will do it one day.

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