Saturday, May 18, 2019

DAY 11

Today is Saturday, I went to the Asian food market, and I bought two different flavor cup noodles. Actually it was Chinese market because many Chinese people work on there, most commodities is Chinese commodities. The two cup noodles are from China, they are from same company, but they are not same flavor. It’s a popular company called “Tang Da Ren”. Tan means soup, DaRen is a word, it means philosopher.

If you been to a Chinese supermarket, you can see there is so many different flavors cup noodles. If you been to a walmart in China or other super markets in China, you will think “Is it a cup noodles market?” In China, there is a restaurant that is only cook cup noodles, when you go inside of that restaurant, you will see there is lot of cup noodles, they are all different flavors. When you order something in that restaurant, you can choose whatever you want with the cup noodles, you can choose vegetables or meat or seafood. I think the noodles that was in the Chinese cup noodles is two times of the noodles that was in the America cup noodles. Chinese people also make the super size cup noodles, you can see they write “ Two times noodles” so they use different cup for different size.

The cup noodles that I eat today is a small size cup noodles, the reason that I get small size cup noodles is because I cannot find the one that was super size and the flavor that I like. Chinese cup noodles has a little different than the America cup noodles. The Chinese cup noodles has the noodle in the cup, but the flavor and the food with it is in different envelope, and also they put a plastic fork in there, so you can choose the to put the flavors and the food or not. When I cooking the Chinese cup noodles, what I always do is: I open every flavor envelope and put them into the cup and add boil water in there, and then I will use the plastic fork to cover the lid. When I use the plastic fork to cover the lid, what I do is use my hand to cover the lid first and then use the fork to tie the lid that was most close to the top of cup to the top of cup. Why I do that is because I see everyone in China do that. When I am eating the cup noodles, the soup that was in there is really good, and there is also some small shrimps in there, it makes me surprise because this is my first time buy the cup noodles from that company in the United States. When I was in China I only buy the big size or super size of that company’s cup noodles.

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